How to Fix Edge not working on VPN on Windows 10?
VPN allows you to access geo-blocked content and display your IP as originating from a different location. VPN offers a safe tunnel that all the traffic is routed through. But the most popular MS Edge web browser still experiences issues on VPN. So, here are some fixes to solve this issue. Turn off Default Gateway on Remote Network Users can try turning off their default gateway to connect to the remote network. Here are the steps for it: Navigate to the Settings application on the system. After that, you should access the Network and Internet option. Then choose the ‘Change adapter options.’ Go to the VPN adapter and right-click on it then choose the Properties option. You have to access the Networking section. Thereafter, click on the ‘Internet Protocol version 4’ option. Click on the Properties option. Once you reach the new screen, select the button of Advanced. Now, don’t forget to uncheck the box of ‘Use default gateway on the remote network.’ Modify the VPN Media...